About Us
Fresh Start Furniture Bank is a volunteer-run charity that helps restore hope, dignity, and stability in our community by recycling donated furniture and housewares, for free, to people in need. Our secondary goal is to keep these items out of the waste stream. We only have one part-time employee, and our volunteers regularly put in over 16,000 hours of service per year.
What We Do
Fresh Start collects donations of furniture and home goods from the public and distributes them for free to people in need. To receive furniture, people must obtain a referral from a social service agency. They then have 30 days to come in and work with a personal shopper to help them select their items. We stock just about everything to furnish a household.
Who We Serve
The people served by Fresh Start have at least one thing in common — they need help during a difficult time.
- Women and children escaping abusive domestic situations
- People coming out of shelters or recovery residences
- Individuals and families in recovery from physical and mental illness or addiction
- Veterans
- Victims of fires, floods or hurricanes
- Refugees and recent immigrants
- Low-income individuals and families
Our Impact
Learn about the impact we have made on our community.
Information on Fresh Start’s board of directors, finances, and bylaws.